Signs of Separation Anxiety

Lets start with what it isn't

Your dog being naughty.
Your dog being spiteful.
Your dog being spoiled.

There is so much information out there, especially on TV and the internet that could maybe cause more harm than good.

Well intentioned help from friends and family too can be harmful.

We have all heard the guidance of
 "just let him cry it out, he will soon stop"

Please read the information below for the real  facts about just what Separation Anxiety really means for your dog or puppy.

How do I know?

Some symptoms are..

1. Excessive barking, whining, crying, and howling.

2. Chewing or destroying floors/ walls,/ doors, particularly around entrances.

3. Frantic attempts to escape,
4. Soiling (especially when the dog is otherwise house-trained)
5. Getting anxious well before you leave..

My dog doesn't do that.

More subtle symptoms are....

5.Whining, low-level crying 6.Freezing  
7.Hiding Withdrawing  8.Trembling  
10.Ears pinned back  
11.Tail tucked  
13. Cowering  Shaking 

How Long does it take to resolve?

Separation anxiety training can typically take several months. It is never possible to give specific timings or guarantees as each dog (much like each human) has different needs and will react to desensitisation differently (some faster, some slower).
 I will be there to support you throughout our time together.
Your own Separation Anxiety coach in your pocket.


.With dogs who are frightened of being home alone, we have two distinct categories:
 1. Dogs who don't like being on their own.  
2. Dogs who don't like being separated from their owner, even when left with other people.(hyper attachment)  and  
There could also be frustration, a fear of missing out.

Initial Assessment 

This is why the initial training assessment is so vital to the programmes.   It really takes a great deal of commitment from you and the family.  Now with the amazing App (designed by Julie Naismith) Separation Training is so much simpler.  We will never push your dog to where he is feeling uncomfortable or anxious.   Every stage of the training is based on teaching your dog that you leaving is safe. We call it "Safe Absences"



 I will be there to support you throughout our time together.
 Have a look at the programmes available and invest in you and your dogs future.  
Why not book your free telephone call where we can get to know each other a little and you can share just what is happening with your beloved pet.